Welcome to the Jungle: Rare Tropical Houseplants to Collect, Grow, and Love by Enid Offolter

Welcome to the Jungle: Rare Tropical Houseplants to Collect, Grow, and Love by Enid Offolter

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For the houseplant aficionado, this beautiful book will help you take your foliage game to the next level. Full of full-color photographs of exotic and rare tropical plants alongside instructions for their care, Welcome to the Jungle offers the reader a step-by-step approach to acquiring and maintaining a lush aesthetic in your living space. Whether you prefer your leaves deeply-pleated or hot pink, your flowers corkscrew-shaped or dot-sized on a long tendril, and whether you are a houseplant novice or an experienced green thumb, this book can help you bring the tropics to you. 

  • 224 pages (28.1 oz)
  • 7.7" x 9.3" x 1"
  • ISBN 9781984859945
  • Publisher: Ten Speed Press