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Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)
Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)
Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)
Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)
Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)

Monstera Obliqua (Bolivia)

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Monstera obliqua 'Bolivia' is not like its cousin the 'Peru' being a monstera they follow the same growth habits, but the appearance is totally different. When juvenile the Bolivian form has a rippled, long glossy leaf, but when mature they get even larger and longer, when this happens fenestration begin. The fenestrations on these are very minimal and displaying only a few holes. 

The care is very simple with moderate watering and bright indirect light. They can easily withstand household humidity as low as 50% but will appreciate around 60-70%

I can say this will challenge your plant skills but will be very rewarding.  

Give bright, indirect light or full specturm LED light bulbs. 

Water when he top inch of soil is dry. 

Pot in well draining organic aroid potting mix with fertilizers such as our Wildehaus Brand houseplant mix.