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Homalomena Camouflage - 4"
Homalomena Camouflage - 4"
Homalomena Camouflage - 4"
Homalomena Camouflage - 4"
Homalomena Camouflage - 4"

Homalomena Camouflage - 4"

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The species Homalomena belongs to the family Araceae, and is found in the wild in the wet tropics. This is a perennial and evergreen plant, some species of which are well bred in our indoor conditions. Camouflage homalomena has a mesmerizing green-marble color standing about 6 to 8 inches tall. A curious aspect of this species - it has an herbaceous-aniseed aroma that can be triggered by rubbing the foliage.

While Homalomena Camouflage will tolerate low light conditions, it will perform best when positioned in medium indirect light. We don't find medium light tolerant plants as colorful as Homalomena Camouflage very often!

Homalomena Camouflage prefers warmer temperature conditions and will grow best when kept in an area which maintains a temperature of 60-90˚F. The foliage may begin to rot below 40F.

Maintaining a medium humidity (50% or above) will assist in keeping your Homalomena Camouflage happy and healthy. Low humidity levels can cause the tips and edges of the leaves to brown.

Since Homalomena Camouflage love moisture, you should water your plant enough to keep the soil moist. When watering your Homalomena Camouflage, be sure to water throughly, allowing it to drain completely. Always make sure you empty the saucer after every watering so the plant doesn’t stay sitting in water as this could cause damage to the roots. Use a well draining soil mixture like our Wildehaus Houseplant Mix including organic amendments that encourage drainage and promote natural absorption of nutrients by way of the roots.