Can you say crazy for Calathea?? Calathea is genus of several dozen species within the Marantaceae family, native to Brazil and Central America. Plant lovers are drawn to their unique foliage consisting of velvety patterned leaves. They prefer purified water, or just leave your regular tap water out for a day before you give your Calathea a drink. And if you let it go a little longer than usual, these are surprisingly durable plants that and can bounce right back from dehydration.
In the wild the Calathea is a forest floor dwelling plant which enjoys the shade provided by the plush tropical canopy over head. They are tolerant to low light but it maky cause their striking foliage to lose some color.
Grows to between 10" and 24" tall. Prefers Medium light, such as a bright location without direct sunrays.
Shipping not available on live plants.